• Direct Primary Care (DPC) is an innovative alternative payment model that improves access to high functioning healthcare with a simple, flat and affordable membership fee. No fee-for-service payments. No third party billing. The defining element of DPC is an enduring and trusting relationship between a patient and doctor. Read more here.

  • Three ways: value, cost & insurance involvement. Concierge practices in our area generally charge $200-$500 per month which is much higher than what we charge. They also bill your insurance for each in-person visit which means you a charged a co-payment and/or a co-deductible at each appointment ON TOP of your monthly fee. In our model there is NO co-pay or co-insurance. Additionally, we bundle a lot of value into our membership fee; for example procedures at no extra costs, point of carve testing for COVID, flu, strep and mono at no extra costs and we provide you with significant savings on labs. The goal of the DPC mode is to keep healthcare simple & affordable --one reasonable monthly price for all the doctor visits you need with additional services included.

  • The mainstream insurance model really limits the value a primary care physician can provide. You have 15 minutes with the physician, if you are lucky. Additionally, your insurance is paying the physician, not you. So, a physician in the insurance based model needs to make sure your insurance company is happy to get paid, not you! What if your health goals do not align with your insurance company?

    The Direct Primary Care model allows the doctor and patient to have aligned goals: Achieve your health goals while keeping you as healthy as possible for as long as possible. Additionally, this model allows us to:

    • care for you outside of just office visits. we no longer have to rely on you seeing us in the office for payment.

    • spend more time with you at each visit

    • use alternative treatment plans without worrying about payment from your insurer

    • see fewer patient so we can increase your access without barriers

    • And much more. Read about member benefits & prices here

  • There are numerous examples of where Direct Primary Care can and has decrease costs. For example Colorado-based DigitalGlobe partnered with Colorado’s first DPC provider, Nextera Healthcare. DigitalGlobe employees saw a 25.4% drop in monthly costs, compared to only a 4.1% reduction in costs among employees not participating in the DPC program. See here.

    A few ways that DPC can save you money:

    • Acute care needs that you would normally go to urgent care for can be handled by us. Saving you money on co-pays and your deductible.

    • Increasing access to a doctor that knows you well can decrease the number of health issues that become a long term problem.

    • We will also stay on top of prevention to a degree that is not possible in the traditional model.

    Further readings:

    Benefits of Direct Primary Care in Improving Quality and Reducing Costs of Healthcare

    Can direct primary care save you money?

  • Absolutely! We would argue that everyone benefits from a service tailored directly to them. That’s why we offer truly custom healthcare experience. Our practice is devoted to the maintenance of your good health, to the enhancements of your daily experience that only physical well-being can bring. We’re here for your reactive needs. But proactive healthcare is important, and that is where we excel.

  • If you you have an urgent matter after hours you will be able to call the provider on-call directly. For your safety, if you are having a medical emergency you should call 911 or go directly to the nearest emergency room.

  • Yes, we still recommend health insurance, which, you will need for:

    • A true medical emergency that you need to go to the ER for.

    • If you need to be admitted to the hospital.

    • Surgery

    • Specialists referrals - but given you get so much time with your doctor, this is less frequent than in traditional medicine

    You may need insurance for labs (bloodwork), imaging and medications as well.

    If you are admitted to the hospital we will stay on top of your hospitalization and make sure we help answer any questions the hospital doctors won’t or can’t answer. We will also help with care coordination after discharge.

  • In providing superb care with unprecedented sorts of access, we seek to prevent or reduce hospitalizations and specialty referrals. In instances where those types of care are required, we will certainly continue to work with your hospitalist during your hospital stay as well as work closely with any specialist. We will coordinate all needs when you are discharged from the hospital.

  • We do not provide advice on this matter, however, our understanding is that this depends on the rules of your FSA or HSA as set by your employer. We recommend that you contact your HR department to ask this question. We will provide any necessary supporting documentation. In support of the use of FSA funds being used to pay DPC membership fees, an Executive Order signed June 24, 2019 by President Trump states:

    "Within 180 days of the date of this order the Secretary of the Treasury, to the extent consistent with law, shall propose regulations to treat expenses related to certain types of arrangements, potentially including direct primary care arrangements and healthcare sharing ministries, as eligible medical expenses under section 213(d) of title 26, United States Code."

  • All. We can provide care for the whole family. Newborns to geriatrics.

  • Phone calls are quickest and easiest. We also leverage a telemedicine app that allows us to be more available after hours, especially in urgent concerns. These tools allow us to securely text, video chat, and send pictures in real-time. If we determine that you need to visit the office, we will always be able to see you in less than 24 hours.

  • All scheduled appointments are slotted for 60 minutes. If you need less than 60 minutes that is fine.

    If you have an urgent need and we see you that day or night then we will take the amount of time needed to develop a good plan, which may be less than 60 minutes.

  • If you have insurance, it will likely cover those needs. If your insurance dose not cover those, we have in-expensive cash-pay options for labs and imaging. We also have an in-house pharmacy with steeply discounted medications.

  • We maintain scrupulous standards of privacy. We are never obligated to provide any third party with a copy of your records unless you specifically ask that we do so.

  • At this time, we are no longer seeing any non-member patients.

  • For individuals or families click here.

    For employers click here.